White Population

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White Population

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
December 3, 2024ufhealth.thehcn.net

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19,622 - 35,741
35,741 - 53,088
53,088 - 173,854
173,854 - 279,923
59.94 - 69.09
69.09 - 71.84
71.84 - 74.65
74.65 - 78.12
2 - 2,581
2,581 - 6,655
6,655 - 12,782
12,782 - 21,814
21,814 - 30,406
24.56 - 45.92
45.92 - 63.72
63.72 - 74.66
74.66 - 85.56
85.56 - 100.00
Countysort column Personssort column%sort column
Alachua 173,854 59.94%
Bradford 19,622 73.61%
Columbia 52,365 71.84%
Levy 35,741 78.12%
Marion 279,923 69.09%
Putnam 53,088 70.92%
Suwannee 34,314 74.65%
Zip Codesort column Personssort column%sort column
32008 5,090 88.23%
32024 16,848 79.77%
32025 15,048 66.32%
32038 8,845 82.70%
32044 1,696 89.45%
32055 10,893 62.53%
32058 2,983 67.70%
32060 17,156 76.06%
32061 318 76.63%
32062 2,387 83.61%
32064 4,497 56.33%
32071 3,584 84.23%
32091 11,778 71.17%
32094 2,581 75.69%
32112 4,378 56.28%
32113 4,546 73.99%
32131 3,773 76.89%
32134 7,727 88.77%
32139 870 57.81%
32140 1,682 90.24%
32148 10,141 81.22%
32177 15,861 61.73%
32179 8,458 85.56%
32181 1,950 74.66%
32187 1,448 78.78%
32189 4,790 81.71%
32193 874 76.53%
32195 3,163 81.31%
32601 14,945 61.67%
32603 5,187 77.73%
32605 16,661 69.18%
32606 17,105 66.91%
32607 18,960 50.92%
32608 30,406 54.41%
32609 8,677 45.92%
32610 103 83.06%
32611 7,219 82.08%
32612 222 78.72%
32615 11,733 66.87%
32617 3,145 71.97%
32618 5,144 69.17%
32621 4,309 73.66%
32622 1,181 85.52%
32625 1,478 93.07%
32626 7,701 82.11%
32631 328 86.77%
32640 7,782 73.09%
32641 3,371 24.56%
32643 10,857 79.82%
32653 8,874 61.65%
32666 5,238 85.07%
32667 3,391 76.84%
32668 4,882 80.61%
32669 12,782 69.40%
32683 2 100.00%
32686 3,481 63.72%
32694 1,362 72.49%
32696 9,130 67.75%
34420 14,182 75.79%
34431 7,972 84.21%
34432 11,883 80.95%
34449 3,627 91.11%
34470 14,414 65.70%
34471 19,705 68.59%
34472 19,726 55.95%
34473 10,500 40.61%
34474 10,295 54.52%
34475 6,655 44.38%
34476 19,951 69.06%
34479 10,151 68.69%
34480 16,126 68.76%
34481 21,814 84.82%
34482 15,470 63.72%
34488 10,106 82.46%
34491 27,596 81.23%
34498 629 93.05%
Statesort column Personssort column%sort column
Florida 12,793,848 56.30%

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Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.